Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 10, 2010

chung cu thap tang

Rue de la Convention Housing / Jean Paul Viguier Architecture

By Nico Saieh — Filed under: Housing ,Selected , ,

© Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre

Architects: Jean-Paul Viguier et Associés
Location: Paris,
Architect project manager: Octave Parant
Architecte project leader: David Cisar
Team construction phase: Jean Blondel, Patrick Tavernier
Landscapes architects: Pierre-Henri Cazes, Benjamin Doré
Contractors: Paris-Habitat for 128 housings / Vinci for 78 housings
Technical consultant and economist: ARCOBA
Representative company: Bouygues Bâtiment
Project Area: 18,200 sqm
Budget: 20 M €
Project Year: 2010
Photographs: Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre

plan 01

The plan layout is grouped to form a compact building entity, providing both a coherent base for environmental performance concepts and a reply to the insertion of the program within the existing site. The density of the resulting model frees up the garden area and the facade of the building behind.

© Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre

This ‘compacting’ of the building is the result of a study to optimise its volumetric constraints and orientation in order to gain a maximum of direct sunlight without penalising the existing neighbours. All apartments have a dual orientation which allows direct sunlight both morning and evening together with the additional comfort of cross-ventilation.

© Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre

The operation takes the form of a series of blocks of progressive height, linked by veranda type walkways. This principle generates a cascade of landscaped elements at the heart of the building. The blocks are organised around compact, day lit services and circulation cores thus avoiding the ‘staircase syndrome’.

elevation 01

A series of measures have been undertaken in respect of sustainable design to give the project its ‘HQE’ status.

Housing Complex / medusagroup

By Nico Saieh — Filed under: Housing ,Selected , ,

© Miłosz Jaksik

Architects: medusagroup
Location: Katowice,
Principals: Przemo Lukasik, Lukasz Zagała
Project Team: Dawid Beil, Rafał Dziedzic, Kuba Pudo, Tomasz Majewski, Dominik Jaksik, Maria Jaksik, Justyna Siwińska, Agnieszka Szewera, Dominika Marek
Structural Engineering: Statyk
Investor: Millenium Inwestycje sp. z o.o.
Site Area: 8,914 sqm
Project Year: 2006-2009
Photographs: Miłosz Jaksik

Two buildings of the complex were designed as gallery-type buildings placed parallelly to each other with wide boulevard between them. The third one is an apartment building. The authors’ ambition was to break pejorative reception of buildings of this type in : infamous legacy of realizations in 70′. The humanized space of mini park between the buildings and galleries protected with glass against weather conditions are to create an attractive neighborhood space which usually does not exist in typical block of flats with staircase.

site plan

Northern building

Northern building is a five storey one with underground parking (shared with the apartment building). Communication with 3 galleries – a solid with staircase and elevator adheres on the east side. Building form is simple with galleries on the north side and a series of balconies on the south. The whole building was plastered in graphite colour while only the last storey has wooden siding. Additionally balconies are separated from each other with wooden openwork screens. Windows were designed in woodwork as porte fenetres. On the outside each window is closed by glass barrier. The galleries are screened by glass plates and their walls are covered with fibre-plasterboards in intensive yellow colour. Services functions are located on the ground level – these were glazed on the level’s circumference with big shop windows.

© Miłosz Jaksik

Southern building

Southern building is of gallery typology created as a result of superposition of terraced housing. Building form is simple and designed in contemporary stylistics. Elevations are finished with graphite coloured plaster and partially with wooden siding.

southern building section

The building has two level dwellings. The lower part with independent entrances on the passage side and garden on the south side is covered by two-level apartments accessible from the gallery located on the last storey (on the north side). Daytime part was designed on the entrance level whereas bedrooms are one level lower.

© Miłosz Jaksik

On both sides of the gallery there are external staircases of which the east one has elevator. Staircases were made of architectural concrete.

Apartment building

Because of its location (the central part of the housing estate) and high standard this building is to be the main dominant of the estate. It was designed as six-storey building with underground parking in “cage” arrangement. There are 10 luxury apartments – 2 on each floor. The residential part of the building lies on the socle withdrawn to the inside. The socle holds entrance hall with elevator and staircase and room meant for services. The elevations: northern, eastern and western are designed as a facade with porte fenetres. On the southern elevation there are terraces covered with openwork screens made of wooden planks. All elevations are finished with graphite coloured plaster.

© Miłosz Jaksik


Between the buildings there is internal and wide public boulevard. Recreational space is located in the central part of the boulevard and is surrounded by hardened pavement on both sides. Children’s playground is situated on the south-western part and is surrounded by urbanized green.

HDC in Monte Gordo / Saraiva + Associados

By Nico Saieh — Filed under: Housing ,Selected , ,

© FG+SG – Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra

Architects: Miguel Saraiva & Associados
Location: Av. Catalunha, Vila Real de Santo António,
Client: Unifaro – União de Cooperativas de Habitação de Faro, UCRL
Engineers: Dimstruct
Project Area: 19,318 sqm
Project Year: 2006-2009
Photographs: FG+SG – Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra

© FG+SG – Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra

Monte Gordo is characterized by being a former fishing village located between the ocean and a vast pine forest.

The intervention predicted a complex of 12 controlled cost apartment buildings under a Housing Development Contract regime, set in a neighborhood with services (crèche), leisure areas (football grounds), shops and areas of collective use (church).

site plan

The programme established typologies of one, two and three bedrooms, distributed in 170 dwellings planned for multi-family housing on buildings with 4 floors.

Some lots has only one building, while the others accommodates several contiguous buildings and both share the same car park in the communal basement underneath.

© FG+SG – Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra

The façades are the protagonists of this project, since the main façade and the rear façade are differentiated although they have a common element: the balcony. Each apartment can enjoy the outside areas as the main elevation has a balcony all along its length, communicating with the kitchens and living rooms.

The opposite elevation has vertical spans, adjusting to different sizes of balconies and alternately conferring a constant rhythm, disguising the more private areas.

Inside the apartments have a hall/corridor from which lead off the living room, kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms.

floor plans

A good articulation between areas is assured, avoiding intersections between private and social areas, which have larger spans hidden at the back of the balcony boxes, in this case for all the residents.

The small balconies of the rear elevation are exclusively for individual use, promoting a good spatial distinction that evokes greater privacy in the home.

Conceptually, the interior is extended to the exterior through the balcony areas, reproducing the meteorological culture of a place where it is always possible to enjoy the open air.